Azmera Restaurant i Accra

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GhanaAzmera Restaurant


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Airport Area, Accra, Ghana
kontakter telefon: +233
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Latitude: 5.6057158, Longitude: -0.1881694

kommentar 5

  • en



    The best place for Local dishes

  • Samuel Agyei Kodie

    Samuel Agyei Kodie


    Very good local foods

  • Emanuela Brefo-Mensah

    Emanuela Brefo-Mensah


    It's a great place for Ghanaian dishes. There's a wide variety of soups, stews and accompanying dishes from different parts of the country. The buffet is superb. The decor is on point. Good music selection and a great ambience.

  • Kofi Owusu-Ansah

    Kofi Owusu-Ansah


    Eat delicious local food with home standard of taste

  • en

    sophia oke


    I expected less, but definitely got more... it was a really amazing experience for me, being in Ghana for the first time, Azmera Restaurant did give me the taste of Ghana, I was out to try it all and I was impressed. I try Asaana (caramelized corn drink) which of course is one of the local beverages in Ghana, it was surprisingly nice, also had palmwine which was very fresh and so sweet, the Banku and Seafood Okra made me smile all day long. Did I mention that I had Ghanian Jollof and Kelewele (plantain side), it was really nice too. And yes the staffs, they were so welcoming, so nice and very clean. Would visit again? Thats definitely a YES!

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