Bethel Dental Clinic i Accra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GhanaBethel Dental Clinic



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Osu Badu Avenue, Accra, Accra Metropolis, GH Ghana
kontakter telefon: +233 30 277 1155
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Latitude: 5.6167667, Longitude: -0.1925787

kommentar 5

  • joshua lamptey

    joshua lamptey


    Excellent customer service... keep up the good works team

  • Victor Dakpo

    Victor Dakpo


    I will recommend Bethel Dental Clinic to any one who needs dental service. They have professionals to handle you with care. Value for your money is also assured.

  • Mavis Amoah

    Mavis Amoah


    Unbeatable customer service. They make sure you feel at home rather than the hospital. The doctor explains all procedures very well. Kudos

  • en

    Brent Pierce


    Phillip did a wonderful job of diagnosing my dental problem and providing the correct treatment. He was very knowledgeable and had a great bedside manner. His assistant Chris also did a great job. I would recommend Phillip to my friends. Brent

  • en

    Dikkie Rayne


    My experience was truly second to none. Their service was incredibly helpful, thorough and informative, Very professional and gentle. The staff is very accommodating and funny. Office is very neat as well. Found my dentist for life.

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