Egon German Clinic i Accra

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GhanaEgon German Clinic



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Abelemkpe Street, Accra, Accra Metropolis, GH Ghana
kontakter telefon: +233 30 277 5772
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Latitude: 5.6124849, Longitude: -0.2142365

kommentar 5

  • en

    Akua A.


    This is the worst private clinic in Ghana. You will receive better service at a free clinic. All members of staff needs training in customer service and their individual duties. They don’t seem to rely on the appointment time. First time at the clinic I waited for over 2 hrs before seeing a doctor even though I had booked an appointment and arrived way before my appointment time and it wasn’t until I was ready to leave before I finally got to see a doctor. I was in for a Pap smear. Due to a mysterious finding down there the doctor suggested we ran 2 different lab test. Two different lab test had to be ran that day, the doctor assured me the results for one of the test will be ready in two hours time but she will give me a call on Monday to let me know the results. The results for the second test will be available in 2 weeks. The whole Monday and Tuesday rolled by no call. I finally picked up my phone and called the clinic. The dumb ladies who picked up the call simple said they don’t have anything to show she was to call me. I placed a call again on a different day and another nurse/receptionist told me if I didnt received a call for my lab results then it simple means the lab test was negative, So I have nothing to worry about. Really???? On what planet does that make any kind of sense. After all the money I paid from pocket they can’t pick up a phone and call, and what if the results was positive and someone forgot to call?. Wow! Anyways I waited out the 2nd lab results and called the hospital after 3 weeks to find out if the results for the 2nd lab test was in. I was told it wasn’t ready. Finally I received an sms to book an appointment same time next year for a Pap Smear. Wait what???? What about the mysterious findings, I felt a follow up appointment was necessary, since clearly the clinic doesn’t CARE. I booked an appointment. Arrived and waited over 20 minutes whiles they searched for my file and mind u I had an appointment. I finally got called to see the nurse who takes the blood pressure, weight and other stuff. Got in the seat next to her and this (old woman who should have some sense but clearly doesn’t) got a call on her personal mobile phone, she placed the phone on speaker, hid it in her drawer n proceeded to chat with who ever was on the other line like she was at home whiles I just sat and waited. Talking about getting a weave/wig or whatever on her phone. I was beyond shocked. Sooo unprofessional. The doctor was equally unprofessional ( who gives a Pap smear without covering up the patient) no wonder the staff behave the way they do. I know the standard of service in Ghana/Africa tends to be poor but having a doctor from Germany or wherever she claims she is from and charging us much as they do I was hoping the service would be better. I’m all for paying more for better service but Egon German Clinic is comparable to the services you will receive at a free clinic. I’ll be damned to return back there or recommend anyone. By far the worst service i have ever received. Will not recommend to anyone.

  • Ashutosh Singodia

    Ashutosh Singodia


    bad experience, first visit services were very basic, doctor did not mention anything clearly, after some time in an emergency they refused to give appointment saying friday second half to sunday doctor cant meet, we had to rush to other gynecologist... in case of emergency if doctor refuse to see then what is a need of doctor?

  • en

    Gifty Kafui Mensah



  • Leah Hoffman

    Leah Hoffman


    Went to the clinic recently after falling ill. The service was very basic, came in and met with the doctor, described a few of the symptoms which were written down and I was sent away for blood work without any examination. The amount of time I was seen was 4 minutes total. After bloodwork, I was told the clinic would call with results in an hour, which unfortunately they did not complete and I needed to call with my results after two hours. This has happened before when I've gone to the clinic, only the results took a week of calling everyday to receive. I found the service overall very basic, leaving me wth more to be desired, especially better follow up and communication on results. No one wants to have to chase their results around, especially when it's a medical follow up regardless of the severity or findings.

  • Enyonam Buati

    Enyonam Buati


    I was in Ghana for a visit. I wasn't feeling well, so I rushed to Egon German Hospital in Accra. I received a professional treatment from Dr. Luitgard Darko, a German doctor friend practising In Africa and mostly in Ghana for the past ten or mores. Although she is a gynaecologist or women doctor, I got excellent treatment against an oncoming malaria attack. Thanks Luitgard for your professional approach to my situation.

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