Grand Casamora Hotel i Accra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GhanaGrand Casamora Hotel


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97 Lindy Street, Adjirigano Main Road, East Legon, Accra, Ghana
kontakter telefon: +233 27 612 1212
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Latitude: 5.650259, Longitude: -0.131052

kommentar 5

  • Godfred Parry

    Godfred Parry


    I will truthfully give reviews about their restaurant which takes almost forever to get a dish served to you but when you put the restaurant aside , the rooms are cozy for a two man affair and its a very nice place to visit with your boyfriend or girlfriend, or a couple. The then receptionist was one of the best I have ever met and is very convincing when rendering services. I love the place and the food but we can't wait for long when we are hungry. Fix that. Its a very nice place with a football court and a fitness area.

  • en

    Worldreaseacher Reaseacher


    The rooms are very neat every thing is perfect here don't miss it

  • Richard Omani-Mensah

    Richard Omani-Mensah


    Cozy environment. Good food

  • Carlix Pappi

    Carlix Pappi


    Great live band , very cool place to relax and enjoy good music.

  • en

    Siameh Victoria


    Hmm the best hotel ever in East Legon We see to the satisfaction of both guest and non - guest Our rate is moderate.

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