18 * 20 Car Wash i Greater Accra Region

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Ghana18 * 20 Car Wash


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Tema Municipal, Ghana
kontakter telefon: +233
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Latitude: 5.6528428, Longitude: -0.0648665

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nana Ameyaw Boadi


    This is in Tema in the Greater Accra Region

  • en

    George Addy-Morton


    The only place I washed my cars..very professional in handling cars...good water, good carwash shampoo..the sponge and duster are of good quality ensuring you maintain the natural color of the paint and avoid scratches.

  • Benjamin Ackah-Quansah

    Benjamin Ackah-Quansah


    Best customer service

  • Moustapha Abari Dan-Bouzoua

    Moustapha Abari Dan-Bouzoua


    Good Customer Service

  • Babatunde Peters

    Babatunde Peters


    Good service and fair price. Wash my car here often and the team are great. I only had a issue with some of the car was personnel because the would withhold your change till you ask. I corrected them and they stick to the correction. Outside that they very good in what they do

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