Ghana General Post Office i Akra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GhanaGhana General Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

Akra, Ghana
kontakter telefon: +233 30 266 8041
internet side:
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Latitude: 5.5415136, Longitude: -0.2082012

kommentar 5

  • en

    Phyllis Fletcher


    Pls I have items coming from China for almost three months now I have not received any call that my items are in I don't know why they have not call but everything shows that the things are in but still no sign of them calling me to come for my items




    More room for improvement.

  • Jenashare _

    Jenashare _


    Every time i am sending people in Accra clothes or shoes or personal items, these guys from the Ghana postoffice want to see money first before giving the package that i already paid for and which is free of customs duties. When they say its ready for pick up and the people want to collect the package, the boys working at the Ghana postoffice say you have to pay 10, 20, 30, 40 or even 50 euro first before they give it out. Its INSANE!! Shame on them for doing this!! Some packages could not be collected cause the people didnt have enough to pay (while they are NOT even supposed to pay anything!!) and the package has to be returned to sender. These people should have been fired a long time ago cause its still continuing, the workers say "we also have to live", well, aren't you working at the damn post office???? you get paid for working there I assume, so stop ripping off money from people who just want to collect their package!!!!!!! The last package was collected by someone else who could pay, but when the person collected the package a lot has already been stolen by the post office. Not knowing the post office always opens the packages before giving it. They might have chopped good, but as for me I will never sent any package to Ghana again, a pity for the people who need it, but yea thats the system, then nobody gets to chop anything at all. Too bad! They are not only thieves, but also ripping people off all they can, bastards! 2nd review dated 29/11/2017: Just went to the postoffice in person during my holiday this month to collect a package i had sent to myself. When i told them their rules which i showed and told them I am not supposed to pay a dime, he (John Kwotuah) said no that only counts if you are a diplomatic and just charged me the amount he liked, for me that became higher cause he couldnt let me shut up complaining. He charged me half of the worth of the foodstuff which is ridiculous, while it is written that foodstuff is dutyfree (see attached picture). When I was asking to talk to his boss he claims to be the boss while he is just a small crook in uniform. On top of that he is threatening me to get me arrested next time (see attached picture) cause I am not taking his BS! but the only people who should get arrested is those thieves working at the main postoffice for charging any amount they like, which makes it that no one can collect his/her belongings for free. He is also writing they keep on continuing doing this so you are warned, sending a package to Ghana is not like any other country in the world, it is not free collecting when it comes to Ghana and if you don't pay they keep your package, so either way those thieves get your money OR your package, they make sure they never loose. A much better alternative is sending a big package through a shipping agency, this will cost less and it is all dutyfree. The only disadvantage is that it will take about 2 months before you get your goods in hand instead of 2 weeks. Avoiding the main postoffice is best! When the package is too big it will go to the main postoffice at Accra Jamestown and thats where the thieves are!

  • Caleb Lee

    Caleb Lee


    TERRIBLE TERRIBLE. The worst post office I have ever visited in my entire life. They tell you to go to that side like 5 times until you finally reach the right place to receive a package from outside of Ghana, and they request an official government approved identification like a passport, which is absurd as well, and they ask you to pay crazy amount as a tax for every single item including paper and pencils!! You are not supposed to pay for anything!! Everything was paid when it was sent. This place is corrupted. It reminded me that I was on Ghana. How long will it take for Ghana to be a developed country? What a shame.

  • en

    Andrew MacDonald


    I am currently a still waiting on my items to reach the UK. items that should have taken about 2 weeks to get to it's destination, has now taken about 1 month. My wedding is in about a months time. EMS has nothing better to tell you when you get to the office, they seem to be toss me about. MY WEDDING IS NEXT MONTH!!!! AND I STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN A SUBSTANTIAL ANSWER FROM YOU GUYS!!! EITHER REFUND MY MONEY BACK OR BETTER STILL MY ITEMS!

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