MaxMart 37 i Accra

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GhanaMaxMart 37



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37, Liberation Road, Accra, Accra Metropolis, GH Ghana
kontakter telefon: +233 30 299 9979
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Latitude: 5.5911621, Longitude: -0.1802196

kommentar 5

  • Freda Obeng-Ampofo

    Freda Obeng-Ampofo


    One of my favourite grocery stores in Accra. I think they have a lot more variety when it comes to fruits, vegetables and seafood compared to koala, ShopRite and other stores of its kind. Maxmartndoes not allow photos

  • Richard Muzu

    Richard Muzu


    Is a very nice place in Accra near Golden Tulip hotel .MaxMart is shopping mall with a world class product selling there

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    It's a very good shopping center a lot of tourists come here to buy stuffs

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    Emily Williams


    Kudos for having arguably the largest range of products of any supermarket in Ghana (and stocking a limited range of Waitrose products). Unfortunately they seem to lack consistency in pricing( or perhaps suppliers) and the cost of items can fluctuate. Best place to buy broccoli and celery though. Also have a great health food section and although wildly expensive, if you are looking for something you can't seem to find anywhere else give MaxMart a go.

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    Claudia Broderick


    MaxMart is a great place to shop. It is a bit pricey, but you find what you can't find anywhere. For instance, my son is a strict vegetarian and loves brown lentils that I could not find in other supermarkets, but found here. Check it out. You would love the shopping experience. It's a one-stop shop.

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