Orchidea Flowers i Accra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GhanaOrchidea Flowers



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Asafoatse Odweni Lane, Accra, Accra Metropolis, GH Ghana
kontakter telefon: +233 24 499 8899
internet side: www.orchideaflowers.com
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Latitude: 5.5664101, Longitude: -0.1876364

kommentar 5

  • en

    Naa Kai


    I visited first thing in the morning on Monday. Driving to the location was difficult, parking was next to impossible, the lady attendant was miserable, unhelpful and very reluctant to serve hence I purchased much less than I needed. Driving out was just as difficult as it was driving in. The real downer all in all was the sales assistant. I wouldn't go back if I can help it

  • en

    N E.A


    Horrible customer service. I went in there today to order and pay for flowers 3 days in advance and was rudely told by one of the florist that they don’t allow that. Funny enough I have done this over a dozen time. When I asked to speak to the manager they refused to get them. This is the 4th time in a row I have had a bad experience. Just because of that I am taking my business somewhere else.

  • en

    M Will B


    Beautiful florist shop in Accra. Mostly on Thursday's and Friday's they get fresh flowers but can get very busy on these days. Definitely the kinda florist shop you need in Accra.

  • Hassan Bahsoun

    Hassan Bahsoun


    The best place in Accra if you are searching for flowers or plants. Only fresh flowers imported fresh weekly and plants. Best Orchids can be found in Ghana

  • Outdoor Living GH

    Outdoor Living GH


    It is one of best gardening and landscaping centre in Ghana. They have in stock all kinds of flowers from indoor to outdoor plants, weathered orchids plants from Thailand and beautiful flowers from Holland. It is a place to be if you want your to look exquisite by all standards.

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