RIMA TheraTouch Ghana i Accra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GhanaRIMA TheraTouch Ghana



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29, 3rd Mango Tree Avenue, Accra, Accra Metropolis, GH Ghana
kontakter telefon: +233 30 224 4694
internet side: www.rimatheratouch.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 5.5694125, Longitude: -0.201807

kommentar 5

  • Andy Martinez

    Andy Martinez


    Had some shoulder pain got worse in working out. Recommended to my by CrossFit instructor. Never saw an actual doctor, but therapist identified the area, some stretches to support outside of massage therapy. Got to 100% after a few sessions.

  • Sharon Marley

    Sharon Marley


    Really caring and effective therapies. Great team work.

  • en

    Leola Kumi


    Rima is the most result oriented wellness centre....why don't you pass there and feel it too!

  • Bethann Cottrell

    Bethann Cottrell


    RIMA TheraTouch is the best Wellness Center in Accra. Owned by Pamela, German trained physiotherapist and Adjeley, American trained masseuse with many other participating medical professionals offers a variety of services. Pamela was a great help to me after a hip replacement as was her brother, Mark, also a masseuse, German trained. This place is a comfort space me. Aches and pains in Accra? Go to RIMA! Pictures of the reception, waiting space, naturist store and RIMA sign

  • en

    Belynda Ansong


    this is an amazing place with excellent services provided by well trained professionals. You just need to try it for yourself.

nærmeste Fysioterapeut

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