Shell Filling Station i Accra

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GhanaShell Filling Station



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Airport Bypass Road, Accra, Accra Metropolis, GH Ghana
kontakter telefon: +233
internet side:
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Latitude: 5.6041433, Longitude: -0.175246

kommentar 5

  • Chijioke Ukwuegbu

    Chijioke Ukwuegbu


  • Kwesi Kuwornu

    Kwesi Kuwornu


    One of the finest service stations in Ghana. Fuel quality is assured. Customer relations can improve.

  • en

    bilal company limited


    Was the only station I would fill from, but now it’s the last station I will fill from, some of the pump attendants have no respect. Today between 6:30am and 7am, the guy on the pump, was actually spilling fuel on me bike tank and he claimed he didn’t notice there was a leak in the pump nozzle. My bike was hot, luckily nothing serious happened, but all I could imagine was my bike on fire in the middle or the station. His attitude was as unacceptable, I demanded I see the manger on duty, but as usual, he is not at work. Well this is my reason for never going back there after filling from there on my bike, twice a week and my car once a week.

  • Ocran Thomas

    Ocran Thomas


    Excellent service

  • en

    Garrett Hartman


    Best gas station in Ghana. One of the few people trust because it is near the airport.

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