Silverbird Cinemas Accra Mall i Accra

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GhanaSilverbird Cinemas Accra Mall


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Accra, Ghana
kontakter telefon: +233 54 431 0140
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Latitude: 5.6218986, Longitude: -0.1735347

kommentar 5

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    Freddd Abu-Bonsrah


    Effective service. Topnotch trending movies. Washrooms available. Popcorn and snacks allowed.

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    Marie-Claude Harvey


    Ok cinema. Affordable. Changes movies regularly. Seats are adequate. Offers choice between salty or sweet popcorn. Toilets are not well identified. We had to ask around to find them (in the back, further than food counters). It would ne nice if they could remind viewers to turn off their phones as some people were having conversations on their cell phones while others were trying to watch the movie.

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    Patrick Lomotey


    I enjoyed the environment but they should try and finish up the uncompleted works there

  • Kwaku Baffoe Appiah-Ofori

    Kwaku Baffoe Appiah-Ofori


    Black Panther is a great movie to watch. It was a cool environment to share the evening with a good friend. 😊😊

  • Kutu Ameji

    Kutu Ameji


    The movie started exactly at the time it was advertised on their website. (2:40pm). The punctuality pleased me a great deal because I detest tardiness. The cinema was full of lights before the movie and after the movie so that people could find their way easily, not like other cinemas that you have to be careful not to stumble. One thing that needs to be worked on is this: pre-movie commercials. After just two commercials, the screen was black and the cinema was quiet while people filed in to take their seats and that took about 10 minutes. Usual cinema practice is to play commercials until the movie time. Other than that, I totally enjoyed the movie (The Wedding Party 2) and the service provided by Silverbird Cinemas. It is located in Accra Mall, first floor.

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